Monday, July 22, 2013

Maligne Lake, glaciers, waterfalls and more....

Just when  think we thought we hit the jackpot on incredible landscapes and vistas, even more spectacular scenery appears.  We drove to Maligne Lake in the heart of Jasper National Park for a 1 1/2 hr. guided tour and boat ride to the most expansive, gorgeous green lake couched in an enclosed enclave of 10,000 ft peaks and glaciers.  Fortunately, the area is still pristine and natural.  The Canadians really know how to maintain their national parks and resources without destroying the environment.  In fact, they enhance it with energy efficient techniques.

View of Maligne Lake surrounded by Queen Elisabeth Mountains on the left, the Coronet glacier in the distance in the center and mountains on the right from the boat.

 Linda overlooking Spirit Island on stopover during boat cruise.

View of Medicine Lake near Jasper on our way to Maligne Lake.  
This lake recedes and refills annually as it drains downsteam through caves and underground crevices as the glacial runoff from snow dissipates each summer.

Stan is anxious to begin the cruise as he entertains himself balancing on a rock.  

 Another postcard view of the surrounding mountains and lake, again with the Coronet Glacier shown in the center background.

 Linda and Stan ask strangers to snap their picture.  Some do better jobs than others.  You have to know how to pick your strangers.  This person got a great shot with Spirit Island behind us.

We have been lucky with great weather and great Canadian hospitality and graciousness.  Many students work in these parks for the summer and are interesting and bend over backwards to be sure your needs are met and all questions are answered.  Of course, Stan always has lots of questions, so he keeps our guides, desk clerks, waiters, ticket sellers, vehicle drivers, passers-by and many strangers on their toes. 

Can you find Stan in this shot of a really spectacular waterfall in Maligne Canyon Park.

Maligne Canyon Falls.  This picture doesn't capture the force and vastness of the Falls

View from our cabin at Jasper Lodge with mountains and clouds reflected in the lake.

Onward to Lake Louise....

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